Monday, June 30, 2014

30 june 2014

just forgot to mention one last thing before i end 30 june 2014.... hahaha...

yesterday john was saying something that he can actually accept HDB houses which make me pretty happy!! because i wanted to have a own house, own walk-in wardrobe... and design another concept of house again... my mom house, which i am currently roofing at, we just did renovation and i was pretty much pleased with the outcome... from choosing on floor tiles to fitting etc... and funitures... and i must say that a house cannot have too much colors... max 3-4 colors.. otherwise the whole house look very small and messy and like very frustrated....

anyhow, i want my future house to have a balcony... ^.^ i hope hdb build some premium houses that have balcony.... hehe... finally.... he has given up on freehold and condos.... hahah

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